Beautiful Mess Season 2
While this took a long time to make. It was worth it (Mostly). Some pictures were really good, some, well not so much. Because of a certain pandemic, my group's schedule was mixed up and some pictures look better than others. Some days were purely editing to make pictures look better, while others were non stop picture taking. Some sessions, we took over 200 shots just for one picture. Ideas were thrown around for topics, like the obsession theme, where we decided on a narcissistic-type idea for a photo. Otherwise, the project was really nice to do, and I know there are good ideas for season 3, and I look forward to doing it again, and however many more season there are to come, I know we'll plan better.
It is unfortunate that a pandemic had to happen during the project, but I won't let that stop me next time. Though, safety precautions will be taken.