For my first goal, it stated I wanted to learn more about photoshop. Which I absolutely do, I think photoshop is an amazing thing. That and it's uses make it worthy to want to learn. I could end up using it for a future job to design a poster or flyer of some sort. That alone is pretty worth it to learn the ins and outs of photoshop. Another thing is that it's just generally fun to use and make a mess out of pictures. The creativity potential of photoshop is endless.
The second goal was to stop procrastinating. I've always been a pretty bad procrastinater, but I want to change that. By doing everything as soon as I get it. The past couple years I've put things to the last minute, and by changing this, school should be easier.
My last goal was to keep an A for al classes. Which should be a no brainer to all students, but I put this as a goal because last semester, I did dreadful with my grades. I didn't fail any classes, but I was at mid-C ranges. That's not good. So I am going to try and motivate myself to keep all my grades up.